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“To every generation a voice of unconvention is given. One whom God uses to go where others cannot go and draw. Whom we are unable to reach. It is he who has the spirit and heart of John the Baptist .”

— Corey Donaldson



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Our Mission

The mission of the Corey Donaldson Foundation Incorporated is to develop the connections and resources that will encourage our local community members to think deeper, think bigger, and think success.

Corey Donaldson: The Man.

Corey’s Tragedy

In 2011, Corey Donaldson — father of 6, son, brother, and friend — was murdered in a quadruple shooting in Sanford, Florida. Known as "John the Baptist" to local community members, Corey always possessed a spirit of grace and charity. He was faithful to his message because he wanted to make society outcast feel loved, protected, and encouraged to remain faithful to the higher vision they hold for their lives.

Corey’s Legacy

Our goal is to teach African-Americans in the Central Florida community to cultivate an abundance mindset. Much of the reason so many African-Americans live without passion is that we were taught to depend on oppressive systems that don't validate our worth. When the world tells us no, we believe that that is the final answer. But The Corey Donaldson Foundation Inc. thinks that with the proper protection, grace, and faith, African-Americans can begin to say YES to themselves, uplift themselves, and create the resources they need to live richer lives.

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(407) 710-8622